Learning to Round for Discrete Labeling Problems.
Authors: Pritish Mohapatra, C. V. Jawahar, M. Pawan Kumar Pages: 1047-1056 Year: 2018
Learning Optimal Redistribution Mechanisms Through Neural Networks.
Authors: Padala Manisha, C. V. Jawahar, Sujit Gujar Pages: 345-353 Year: 2018
Self-Supervised Feature Learning for Semantic Segmentation of Overhead Imagery.
Authors: Suriya Singh, Anil Batra, Guan Pang, Lorenzo Torresani, Saikat Basu, Manohar Paluri, C. V. Jawahar Pages: 102 Year: 2018
Learning Human Poses from Actions.
Authors: Aditya Arun 0001, C. V. Jawahar, M. Pawan Kumar Pages: 254 Year: 2018
Neuro-IoU: Learning a Surrogate Loss for Semantic Segmentation.
Authors: Gattigorla Nagendar, Digvijay Singh, Vineeth N. Balasubramanian, C. V. Jawahar Pages: 278 Year: 2018
Scaling Handwritten Student Assessments With a Document Image Workflow System.
Authors: Vijay Rowtula, Varun Bhargavan, Mohan Kumar, C. V. Jawahar Pages: 2307-2314 Year: 2018
Efficient Optimization for Rank-Based Loss Functions.
Authors: Pritish Mohapatra, Michal RolĂnek, C. V. Jawahar, Vladimir Kolmogorov, M. Pawan Kumar Pages: 3693-3701 Year: 2018
Word Spotting and Recognition Using Deep Embedding.
Authors: Praveen Krishnan, Kartik Dutta, C. V. Jawahar Pages: 1-6 Year: 2018
Offline Handwriting Recognition on Devanagari Using a New Benchmark Dataset.
Authors: Kartik Dutta, Praveen Krishnan, Minesh Mathew, C. V. Jawahar Pages: 25-30 Year: 2018
Unsupervised Learning of Face Representations.
Authors: Samyak Datta, Gaurav Sharma 0004, C. V. Jawahar Pages: 135-142 Year: 2018
Towards Spotting and Recognition of Handwritten Words in Indic Scripts.
Authors: Kartik Dutta, Praveen Krishnan, Minesh Mathew, C. V. Jawahar Pages: 32-37 Year: 2018
Improving CNN-RNN Hybrid Networks for Handwriting Recognition.
Authors: Kartik Dutta, Praveen Krishnan, Minesh Mathew, C. V. Jawahar Pages: 80-85 Year: 2018
Localizing and Recognizing Text in Lecture Videos.
Authors: Kartik Dutta, Minesh Mathew, Praveen Krishnan, C. V. Jawahar Pages: 235-240 Year: 2018
Investigating the generalizability of EEG-based cognitive load estimation across visualizations.
Authors: Viral Parekh, Maneesh Bilalpur, C. V. Jawahar, Sharavan Kumar, Stefan Winkler 0001, Ramanathan Subramanian Pages: 9:1-9:5 Year: 2018
Augment and Adapt: A Simple Approach to Image Tampering Detection.
Authors: Yashas Annadani, C. V. Jawahar Pages: 2983-2988 Year: 2018