FASTEN: Fair and Secure Distributed Voting Using Smart Contracts

Appeared at: IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (IEEE ICBC ’21) Sankarshan Damle, Sujit Gujar, And Moin Hussain Moti As direct democracy is impractical, countries employ representative democracy. Elections allow each individual to take part in this decision-making process. Given this, it is imperative that elections are processed in a fair and secure manner. … Continue reading FASTEN: Fair and Secure Distributed Voting Using Smart Contracts

Designing Refund Bonus Schemes for Provision Point Mechanism in Civic Crowdfunding

TL;DR. Civic crowdfunding, the process of raising voluntary contributions from interested agents for public projects, such as public parks, libraries, etc., has grown in popularity in recent decades. As these projects are non-excludable, strategic agents often free-ride, i.e., choose not to contribute. To address this, researchers have used incentive engineering to construct mechanisms that incentivize strategic agents to contribute. This incentive is in … Continue reading Designing Refund Bonus Schemes for Provision Point Mechanism in Civic Crowdfunding